1. Introduction and definitions
1.1 When you apply for a position with Designit Denmark A/S (the "Company"), please be aware that it is the Company that as controller collects, registers and processes personal data about you. The following describes how we process your application and which personal data we collect including which procedure we typically follow.
1.2 Any reference to "we" or "us" in this policy means a reference to the Company.
1.2.1 When used in this policy the following words and expressions have the meanings stated below unless the context requires otherwise:
"data protection laws" the legislation, as amended from time to time, protecting the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals and, in particular, their right to privacy with respect to the processing of personal data applicable to the Company, including but not limited to the GDPR and the Danish Data Protection Act.
"Data Protection Act" means the Danish act concerning supplementary provisions to the general data protection regulation (databeskyttelsesloven).
"GDPR" means the EU General Data Protection Regulation (databeskyttelsesforordningen).
"personal data" means any information relating to you as a data subject.
"processing" or "processed" means any operation which is performed on the personal data, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaption or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.
1.3 You have certain rights because we process your personal data. We will inform you of these in clause 9 below.
2. Acceptance of applications
2.1 When we receive your application we will send you a confirmation stating that we have received it. When we go through the applications we will select the applicants that we call in for an interview. This selection is based on how your qualifications relate to the position or positions. The call ins for an interview will take place by email or telephone.
3. Collection of personal data and references
3.1 As a step in the recruitment process we receive and process the personal data you have disclosed in your application, your resumé and other potential documents.
3.2 In addition to the above-mentioned, we will in most cases seek additional information about the applicant(s) that we deem most qualified. We will often seek out relevant available information on the internet, including social media. We might also ask you to send us some additional information. The information that we collect in this connection will, unless we specifically inform you of something else, include the following categories: information about your activities at a former place of employment, including information about your job assignments and competencies, your performance, your personal appearance and interpersonal skills, and other information about you that has been made publicly available on the internet, to the extent that we deem this information as relevant for the assessment of your application.
3.3 If we would like to collect information about you from your current or former employer by collecting references, we will ask for your consent in advance. If you refuse to consent, we will not collect your references. The information that we collect in this connection will, unless we specifically inform you of something else, include the following categories: information about your activities at a former place of employment, including information about your job assignments and competencies, your performance, your personal appearance and interpersonal skills, and the reason why you are no longer employed by or wants to be employed by the employer in question.
3.4 The legal basis for processing the personal data that you disclosed is your application is art. 6(1)(a) or art. 6(1)(b) of the GDPR. The basis for processing the personal data that we collect from your current or former employer is the consent you have given to the collection of references. The legal basis is art. 6(1)(a) of the GDPR.
3.5 If we seek out personal data concerning you on the internet, the basis for processing is either that you have disclosed the personal data yourself or that our assessment is that the collection follows a legitimate interest, because the purpose is to assess whether you are the right applicant for the position. The legal basis is art. 6(1)(f) of the GDPR. See also subclause 3.2.
4. Interviews
4.1 During the recruitment process we carry out interviews where the focus is both your professional and personal competencies, the challenges of the position and how it is to work at the Company.
4.2 We take notes of some of the personal data that is mentioned during the interview(s). We only take notes of the personal data that are relevant for our assessment of whether we should offer you a position or not.
4.3 The basis for processing the personal data that you disclose during the interview(s) is either your consent or because it is nessesary prior to entering into an employment contract for (see subclause 3.4 above). Also, the collection may follow a legitimate interest, because the purpose is to assess whether you are the right applicant for the position that you have applied for. The legal basis is art. 6(1)(f) of the GDPR.
5. Use of personality tests
5.1 During the recruitment process we may use personality tests when filling out certain positions. This requires that you consent to our processing of the results of the personality test. The consent is given in connection with your completion of the test.
5.2 The test is usually completed after we have carried out one or more interviews with you. The purpose of the test is to clarify your competencies, so we have a starting point for a dialogue about your personal resources, strengths and weaknesses.
5.3 The test will never stand alone, instead it forms a part of the collected material that we use for our selection of the right applicant for the position.
5.4 The basis for the processing of the personal data that we take note of and store in connection with your personality test is the consent that you submit to us. The legal basis is art. 6(1)(a) of the GDPR.
6. Background check
6.1 During the recruitment process we sometimes make use of criminal records and financial checks etc. If we consider it relevant to collect your criminal record in relation to the position you have applied for we will ask for your consent to do so.
6.2 Whether to collect criminal records depends on which position you have applied for including the responsibility and executive powers that the position entails.
6.3 The basis for collection of your criminal records is the consent that you submit to us before we request your criminal records. The legal basis is section 8(3) of the Data Protection Act and art. 6(1)(a) of the GDPR.
7. The process from hereon
7.1 The applicant who have been interviewed will either receive notification by email or telephone. Once we have filled the position we will inform all the applicants we cannot offer a position in writing.
7.2 If you are employed by us, the personal data that we have received and processed during the recruitment process will be filed in your personnel file in accordance with our guidelines on this matter. You will receive information concerning the processing and storage of your personal information in the Employee Privacy Notice.
7.3 If we cannot offer you a position we will delete your personal data as soon as possible and no later than 6 months after you are informed about not being offered a position, unless there are certain circumstances that indicate that we would have a common interest in storing your application material for a longer period.
8. Categories of recipients etc.
8.1 Group companies
8.1.1 Your personal data mentioned in this notice will be transferred to other group companies for the purpose of general HR administration and internal redeployment. This may include transfer of your personal data to third countries, i.e. India, which is where the Company's parent company Wipro Limited is located. In case of third country transfers to group companies, the appropriate or suitable safeguards are the use of EU Commission standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data to third countries. A copy of the relevant standard contractual clauses can be obtained by contacting [email protected]. The third country transfer is based on GDPR art. 46(2)(c).
8.2 Use of processors
8.2.1 Also, the personal data that you have disclosed or transferred to us will be processed in our HR portal, which is made available to us by Workday Inc. or Workday Limited (“Workday”) located outside EU/EEA. Accordingly transfer of personal data to a third country will take place. In case of third country transfer to Workday, the appropriate or suitable safeguards are the use of EU Commission standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data to third countries. If you would like to receive a copy of the legal basis for transfers, please contact [email protected]. The third country transfer is based on GDPR art. 46(2)(c).
8.2.2 Other
8.2.3 Personal data may also be disclosed to third parties in connection with collecting references (i.e. former or current employers). Please see subclause 3.23.
9. Information about your rights etc.
9.1 Data protection law gives you a range of rights in connection with our processing of your application and your personal data.
9.2 In this regard you have the right to:
- be notified if we collect personal data concerning you and store it in our IT system,
- gain access into which personal data concerning you that we have collected and used in our processing of your application,
- object against or request that we restrict the processing or rectify or erase the personal data etc., e.g. if you think that the personal data are inaccurate.
9.3 Additionally, you also have the right to dataportability if it should become relevant.
9.4 Personal data that is collected as a part of the recruitment process will be processed with the necessary security and confidentiality and the personal data will only be available to a limited number of employees for whom the access to personal data is necessary and relevant, including future managers and employees in the HR division.
9.5 You can withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time. This is done by contacting us using the contact information provided below in clause 10.
9.6 You can read more about data protection law and your rights on the webpage of Datatilsynet: www.datatilsynet.dk.
9.7 You have the right to file a complaint with Datatilsynet if you have reason to believe that processing of your personal data does not comply with data protection law. The contact information of Datatilsynet is: Datatilsynet, Carl Jacobsens Vej 35, 2500 Valby, telephone: +45 3319 3200, email: [email protected]
9.8 According to the applicable data protection law we are, if appropriate, obligated to inform whether the provision of personal data is a statutory or contractual requirement, or a requirement necessary to enter into a contract, as well as whether you are obliged to provide the personal data and of the possible consequences of failure to provide such data. In this context, and as referred to above, please note that the main part of the personal data referred to in this document is processed by the Company in order to take steps (at the request of you) prior to entering into an employment contract – see GDPR art. 6(1)(b).
10. Contact information
10.1 If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact [email protected]