
What in the world will happen in the future? Spoiler alert: Prediction is fiction. Leave forecasting to the pundits, and come explore with us.

In News

Welcome to Futures, our new playground for experimentation. Come on in.

We are at a defining moment in time. Change is happening at an incredible speed. And from new technologies to new philosophies, there are so many overlapping factors that there’s simply no way to predict where we’re going. But we can help shape the direction.

What will matter most to businesses, societies, and our environment in the future?

  • We all want to create a better future – but what exactly does that look like?
  • What role can designers play in mitigating future problems now?
  • What does it take to trust? How do we think and learn? What does it mean to be human?

We have a lot of questions. But one thing we can say for certain…

What matters tomorrow is designed today.

That’s why we’re excited to share Futures. With a design legacy of over 25 years and a burning love for our craft, we’re well equipped to tackle complexity and solve challenges in radical new ways. But to design a better future for everyone, we’ll be helping our clients grapple with change across every industry – and our own is no exception. As designers, we need to be even more explorative in our approach. We need to push the limits of design.

Futures is our space to explore, experiment, and create. We’re going to get ahead of the trends and steer our clients, and one another, into a future that is more equal, more human, and more sustainable.

So what’s next?

Futures is a big playground, so to focus our efforts, we’ve defined three themes we believe will influence the future. First up, we’ll be focusing on 'Trusting invisibility' – examining how we can build transparency and accountability into the things we can’t see.

Look out for lots of conversations, far-fetched ideas, events around the world, and experimental prototypes. Be sure to check in on our Stories page for Futures events in our studios around the globe.