Designit is part of Wipro, a global information technology, consulting and business process services company. We follow a single Supplier Code of Conduct in the Wipro family, so the following is a summary of Wipro’s prescribed Supplier Code of Conduct for its suppliers, agents, service providers, channel partners, dealers, distributors, vendors etc., ('Supplier'). Within Designit and the wider Wipro team, we believe in honesty, respect, responsibility and integrity in all our operations and relationships, and we expect Suppliers do the same in their supply chain.
Find more details about Wipro’s Supplier Code of Conduct here.
Here’s what you’re committing to:
- Complying with the laws and regulations of the countries in which they operate, and in the countries where we exchange services.
- Informing us of any conflicts or potential conflicts of interest, and using your best judgement to avoid situations that can even appear like a conflict of interest.
- Creating a work environment free of harassment and discrimination, which includes following fundamental human rights, recognizing the right to form associations, and prohibiting human trafficking, slavery, servitude, and forced or compulsory labor.
- Providing a safe and healthy workplace, in compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations.
- Adhering to the minimum employment age defined by respective national laws, ILO, regulations and any relevant standards, and paying wages in compliance with relevant laws.
- Maintaining accurate financial and business records, again, according to all legal requirements and accepted accounting principles.
Confidentiality and Intellectual Property
- Respect Wipro and Designit’s intellectual property, which includes but isn’t limited to: devices, inventions, processes and compilations of information, records, specifications, and information concerning customers or vendors, such as volumes, pricing, cost roadmaps, allocation decisions, and other suppliers.
- Furthermore, Suppliers must also protect business and personal information. This includes any employee information, personal data and third party information obtained during our business relationship. Don’t share this information without appropriate, lawful authorization – which is a good rule of thumb in general!
Speaking up
We strive to foster a welcoming environment conducive to open and honest communication. If you think there may be any violations of this Code, please share your concerns with Wipro’s Ombudsperson.
Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption
- Code of Business Conduct
I / We do not have a code of business conduct for our organization and therefore, I / we confirm that I / we will comply with the Wipro Code of Business Conduct. - Bribery in any form – directly or indirectly, from a person or institution – isn’t accepted at Designit or Wipro.
I / We will promptly report to Wipro, if there is a request for a bribe from a Government Official or their family members when interacting on behalf of Wipro or any Wipro employee.
Compliance declaration
Our company confirms that no key employee of our organization:
- is a Government official or is related (by blood, marriage, current or past business associations, or others) to a Government Official that may influence our business decisions.
- has ever been alleged of being involved in any crime involving corruption or fraud.
If a Designit employee asks to perform services on behalf of Designit without a signed Agreement/Purchase Order, please reach out to us immediately.
Any comments or queries? We’re all ears. Share your concerns with us at [email protected].