Keio Museum Commons

Keio University, the oldest institute of western higher education in Japan, celebrated its 160-year anniversary in 2018. Keio’s culture and arts centre, Keio Museum Commons (KeMCo), wanted to create a digital experience to connect the university with the public and other academic communities around the world.

Two digital devices, a tablet and a smartphone, are displayed side by side showing the Keio Digital Archive interface. The tablet on the left displays a single highlighted artifact with descriptive text, while the smartphone on the right shows a grid layout of multiple artifacts from the collection. The interface includes both English and Japanese text, indicating a bilingual digital archive platform.

Through KeMCo, Keio shares their vast collection of art and cultural assets with students and academics around the world. Together we defined and designed the Keio Digital Archive, a digital space that aggregates and displays Keio’s collections.

Designit’s team mapped out KeMCo’s functions and future activities to see the Digital Archive’s role within the wider museum ecosystem. Before deciding on key screens and features for the MVP, we needed to understand user segments and journeys. KeMCo’s potential users provided a starting point for us to scope down and identify the researchers and learners who get the most use out of the Digital Archive.

We invited a mix of students to share their expectations and wishes for the Digital Archive’s features and visual identity. Feedback broke down into two user groups – art majors, who looked for research tools and robust search functions, and students from other majors, who sought a more immersive, aesthetic experience.

The image shows two digital tablets side by side. The tablet on the left displays a webpage featuring traditional Japanese artwork, with a prominent illustration of a woman’s face in ukiyo-e style at the top and smaller thumbnail images below. The tablet on the right shows a modern exhibition space with framed artworks on the walls and visitors observing them, along with smaller images of modern graphic designs or contemporary artworks.
The image shows a hand holding a smartphone displaying a website titled “KDA KEIO DIGITAL ARCHIVE.” The interface includes a search bar at the top, an option to “Explore Collections,” and thumbnail images of various items, such as an old green bottle and black and white photographs. The background is blurred, highlighting the smartphone screen’s content.

Based on feedback from the main user group, art students, we prioritised research capabilities in the MVP. The team also kept an eye on KeMCo’s future vision for the Digital Archive by creating a UI toolkit that simplifies how the KeMCo team will implement website updates. Following the launch, we facilitated a workshop to map out how the website will evolve to serve the Digital Archive’s future needs.



Keio Museum Commons


Project team

Hanae Shimizu

Marino Funakoshi

Raphael Hodé

Get in touch

Yasuyuki Kowata

Design Director

[email protected]