Almost five million people in the UK have diabetes – and the number is rising. Counterweight, leaders in evidence-based weight management, came to us to help them expand their reach with an affordable programme that would help a broader population kick type 2 diabetes into remission.

Counterweight helps patients reach remission from type 2 diabetes using a meal replacement programme. It began as a research study in the University of Aberdeen 18 years ago and it has been scientifically proven to be ten times more effective than the current NHS protocol. After delivering this programme in Scotland via GPs for several years, Counterweight wanted to provide an affordable, direct-to-patient treatment offering.

‘Our experience with Designit has been fantastic. We now know what to include in our service to help people through their journey to remission.’
Justin Slabbert
CEO, Counterweight

Over 12 weeks, the team conducted in-depth research with patients and dietitians to understand every aspect of the journey and identify key pain points. We looked at the programme holistically, working on everything from brand design, service blueprints, to a working proof-of-concept prototype.

The rebrand was supported by a mobile app and a marketing website. The app is designed to work alongside the dietitian and enables patients to log their weight, record their mood, set personal goals, reflect on achievements, and visualise success. It also helps participants form positive new habits for health in the long term. Overall, it’s a companion to helping people reach remission, and stay there.
Counterweight is now widely used as a partner for diabetes treatment in NHS Scotland and is expanding successfully across the UK. Ultimately, it’s helping people with type 2 diabetes move into long-term remission.
SDG 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Counterweight’s accessible diabetes treatment helps people effectively manage the disease.
Project team
Contact info for Pablo Alaejos Perez
Contact info for Alice Kennedy
Senior Service Designer,
Contact info for Sam Hoey
Lead Designer,
Contact info for Jordi Rovira
Design Director,
Get in touch