There are 4.4 million people in Australia living with a disability. Many require large teams of support workers to deliver their care and rehab at home. It can be incredibly challenging to coordinate these teams at home. This results in 60% being readmitted to the hospital in the first year of discharge. So how can we prevent that from happening? By creating a ‘preboarding’ and onboarding experience with the end-user in mind.

Maslow is a home care and rehab platform for people living with disabilities. In 2020, they launched their MVP in response to COVID lockdowns to help people with disabilities remotely connect to their therapists and manage their support workers from home. But the tech start-up needed to improve their onboarding experience.
A team of Designit designers and researchers endeavoured to understand, evaluate, and design the preboarding and onboarding workflows for people adjusting to their new life with a spinal cord injury. This included conducting research with stakeholders at Maslow, understanding the current state experience, and designing a future state onboarding scenario.

The team accelerated the access to disability tech by making it easy for people with paralysis to learn about Maslow, join and set up an account, and access care and rehab at home. They also left Maslow with some valuable recommendations for further improvement like promoting the brand, helping users join and set up their subscription, as well as educate users and their therapists on how to use the app.
‘Designit was able to work within […] constraints to provide a detailed lens on our product, customer relationships, processes, and untapped capabilities. [We now have] an ideal state that we are working towards, and a roadmap to get us there that is both practical and appropriate for our stage of growth’
Andrew Akib
CEO, Maslow