What if technology could bring music and videos into the physical world? Japan’s largest telecommunications company, the Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) pushed the boundaries of communications technology with an immersive entertainment experience.
The Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) is Japan’s largest telecommunications company, and fourth largest in the world. Designit and NTT collaborated to push the boundaries of communications technology by exploring this question: What if technology could bring music and videos into the physical world?
NTT’s R&D division wanted to exhibit their new technology at SXSW 2019. Comptics – a coined term for‘computer’ and ‘haptics’ – is a blend of music, haptic technology, and wearables. We partnered to create an approachable and engaging narrative to bring Comptics to a new audience. After extensive desk research, we conducted interviews with users and experts in the field. We also drew inspiration from various immersive entertainment events to understand the limits and opportunities of this technology.
Our two concepts showcased the different strengths of Comptics in simple, playful ways. ‘ParticipativeCostume’ contains haptic technology that allows the wearer to experience the same sensations as a performer onstage at a concert or musical. ‘Invisible Guide’ is a wearable sleeve that can provide clues or guide a wearer in an escape room. At SXSW 2019, the team exhibited a concept animation video and a prototype of‘Participative Costume’. In addition to garnering user feedback, the exhibition sparked media interest and potential partnerships for NTT.
SDG 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
NTT is now ready to introduce their technology to users through innovative and engaging prototypes.
Project team
Contact info for Mai Saito
Lead Service Designer
Contact info for Hanae Shimizu
Contact info for Junior Castro
Design Director